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研究 支付现金

200万美国人的医疗保健支出.S. 家庭

家庭的医疗费用正在上升. In 2015, 美国将国内生产总值(GDP)的18%用于医疗保健, 从2000年的13%上升. 花在医疗保健上的每一美元, 家庭自付11美分,扣除保险费用后为28美分. While the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projects health spending to continue to grow faster than GDP through 2025, the future of family-paid healthcare costs also rests with policy choices currently being debated. 自付费用是其中的一个关键部分.

The 12bet官方 研究所 set out to better understand out-of-pocket healthcare spending among US households. 基于2的样本.2013年至2016年期间,有300万名年龄在18岁至64岁之间的大通核心客户, we created the 12bet官方 研究所 医疗保健 Out-of-pocket 支出 Panel (JPMCI HOSP). 我们探索了关卡, 浓度, and growth of out-of-pocket healthcare spending and the implications of these spending trends for overall household financial health. The JPMCI HOSP provides a first-ever look into out-of-pocket healthcare spending for households on a month-to-month basis, 在国家, 地铁, 县级, 最近一次是在2016年. In this report, we describe the creation of, and initial insights gleaned from, this new data asset.

找到一个: 自付医疗支出在2013年至2016年间有所增长, 但在税后收入中所占的比例相对稳定.

每个家庭平均花费714美元.2016年,他们实得收入的6%用于自付医疗费用. 自付医疗费用以年均4%的速度增长.3%.

发现二: 自费医疗支出的经济负担对老年人来说是最高的, 低收入, 女性账户持有人和低收入账户持有人在2016年有所增加.

发现三: 医生, dental, and hospital payments accounted for more than half of observed healthcare spending. 牙医和医院的支付不太常见,但数额较大.

发现四: 自付医疗费用 was highly concentrated among a few families—often the same families year-over-year. The top 10 percent spent 9 percent of their 实得收入 on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.

The top 10 percent of families in terms of healthcare burden spent 9 percent of their 实得收入 on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses—as much as a typical family spends on all combined utility and cell phone bills in a year—and 48 percent of them did so again the following year.

发现五: 家庭 made larger healthcare payments in the months and the years when they had a higher ability to pay. 牙科和住院费用的增加是医疗保健支出增加的主要原因.

月ly out-of-pocket healthcare spending was highly correlated with monthly 实得收入. 在2013-2016年的每一年, families had the highest out-of-pocket healthcare spending in months of elevated income: 3月ch and 4月il (tax refund season), 10月, 和12月.

发现六: There was dramatic variation in out-of-pocket healthcare spending across and within our 23 states. 科罗拉多州的家庭在医疗保健上花费最多, 而路易斯安那州的家庭在医疗保健上的支出占总收入的比例最高.

JPMCI hopp数据资产

从3700万支票账户持有人中, 我们收集了大约2个去识别的样本.300万大通客户. We offer a family perspective on out-of-pocket healthcare spending among adults aged 18 to 64.


The 12bet官方 研究所 医疗保健 Out-of-pocket 支出 Panel (JPMCI HOSP) offers several key insights as we evaluate proposed changes to our healthcare policies. 第一个, 自付医疗费用占家庭总收入的比例稳定, 但对某些家庭来说,这是经济压力的来源. 医疗保健 reform should take into consideration the impact on households who are more financially burdened by healthcare expenses—specifically older, 低收入, 女性账户持有人. 第二个, 医疗支出可能会很大, 意想不到的, 并集中在家庭有较高支付能力的月份和年份. 像这样, consumers would benefit from more transparent pricing and payment options to better manage healthcare expenses. 第三, 成本控制措施, 包括基于价值的护理, 能对家庭负担的费用产生有意义的影响吗, 不仅仅是保险公司和医疗保健提供商. 最后, wide variation in levels and burden of healthcare spending across geographies underscores the importance of healthcare as a state and local policy issue.



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